What to do with created work

What to do with created work

I’ve been spending a lot of time re-organizing my art studio. It’s a good thing to do when you’re in the time of Ebb, and besides everything had just gotten out of hand. I quickly got the art supplies under control—but there was one category that took a lot of work.

The art.

I am not one who likes to accumulate stuff as it is. It makes me nervous. And when you love to create, artworks accumulate. In corners, on shelves and even in—I shudder to think about it—stacks on the floor.

So it was inevitable that

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Ready to Go—52 Cards Project #45

Ready to Go—52 Cards Project #45

My bags are packed and by the time this post reaches you I’ll be in Sydney, Australia! While I’m away I plan to continue weekly cards for my 52 Cards Project. As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I’m determined to create a theme card for every week of 2022 and I don’t plan to miss these weeks I’m traveling!

I won’t have a scanner and I’m not bringing Copic markers—but I’ll have other art supplies with me (see below). I’ll also throw in a few photos of our trip too, so stay tuned!


About what is going into these two luggage pieces

Besides art supplies? Well, I’ll go into that in a moment. First, I replaced both my suitcase and carry-on this year, and now my 22” suitcase is a bit smaller than I had (the fewer things I bring the less I can misplace or lose), and the tote bag is replaces a backpack.

I’m also bringing a sling bag for during the days (art supplies, cell phone, etc.)—which I’ll pack for air travel.

I am someone who can’t function in a disorganized environment, on the road or off. If you’ve ever been to my art studio, for a good example, you know that

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On the road again

On the road again

It seems the world is opening up a bit and I am traveling a little more than I have over the last two years. I have so far avoided covid and I hope to remain virus free, but I am vaccinated so I have a pretty good chance I won’t die if I do get it. Others with compromised immunity don’t have my luxury, which is another very good reason to avoid getting covid myself so I don’t inadvertently spread it to others. Therefore I have decided for myself—regardless of public mandates—to wear a good KN95 mask indoors to avoid long exposure anyone who doesn’t care if they get—or spread—covid.

In the meantime, I have to make the very difficult decision about what art supplies to bring with me. I think this is the bare minimum. Except that small daily bag will definitely get switched out for a much larger one.

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